Resizing Encrypted Linux volumes on LVM
# 21 Nov 2019 by SeanRecently I set up a fully encrypted Linux install alongside Windows using LVM to
encrypt the /
and /home
partitions, as well as swap
. This all went fine
and dandy until I realized I had been a little greedy and given root nowhere
near enough space (I was trying to horde it all for the /home
volume). So, I
had to figure out how to shift that space around. This, for my own memory, is
This assumes a setup like the one I described in my setup post.
So, if like me, you only gave 8GB to the /
logical volume, you’ll probably
quickly realize that that’s nowhere near enough (I found out when I tried
installing WINE and ran out of space… which was also the same time neovim
started going haywire with the async linter).
This is thankfully easy to fix.
- Power down and boot from your install USB (you still have that right? Otherwise make one in the Ubuntu install media creator)
- Don’t start the installer, just “try” Ubuntu
- Open a terminal, and unlock your LUKS partition:
# where /dev/sdaMAIN is the same partition you set up LUKS on before,
# and encryptedubuntu is the name you gave to that partition when you encrypted it
$ sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdaMAIN encryptedubuntu
Now, if you run pvdisplay
, vgdisplay
, and lvdisplay
you should see the
physical volume, volume group, and logical volumes you’ve created previously.
I’m going to assume that we’re subtracting space from the /home
logical volume
to cede to the /
LV. If you’re actually resizing the /dev/sdaMAIN
go do some DDG searching–lotsa answers (I mean… same for this process really,
but still).
First, shrink the home LV:
$ sudo lvreduce --resizefs --size -50G /dev/VGencryptedubuntu/LVencryptedubuntuHOME
Then, expand the root LV:
$ sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/VGencryptedubuntu/LVencryptedubuntuROOT
If you don’t want to give it all the available space, man
will be your friend
(now that’s a sentence amirite?).
Finally, you need to expand the filesystem on the now-expanded root LV:
$ sudo resize2fs /dev/VGencryptedubuntu/LVencryptedubuntuROOT
This will likely complain at you about running fsck -f
on the filesystem first
to find and fix any issues (usually about making sure that the blocks are
contiguous). So do that.
And now, reboot. You done doed it.